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Training Services

BSA offers a comprehensive range of training services. In addition to our catalog of training topics, many of our training programs are designed for specific client needs, so we have developed a wide range of solutions from workplace violence prevention workshops to training in the behavioral management of exotic hazards, such as CBRNE terrorism and crowd violence. With a broad range of field experience, our world-class training team provides tailored solutions and high-level expertise.


BSA provides in-house training and eLearning programs for executive managers, supervisors, and front-line employees. Our courses equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and awareness necessary to respond effectively to today's challenging risk environment. We take pride in our reputation for delivering training that is well respected by employers and enjoyable and informative for participants. Clients who have taken our courses and workshops agree that the training provided is both essential and valuable to their roles. 


Advisory: If you or your organization is faced with an imminent threat, please contact your local law enforcement agency immediately. This Website is not a source of legal or clinical advice in handling active threat situations.


The Homeland Security Human Factors Institute™, The Center for Climate Change & Human Behavior™,  Psych 911™, and RADAR™ are products, services, and/or divisions of Behavioral Science Applications LLC.

                                        Copyright © 2016-2025. Behavioral Science Applications LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

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